Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just Checking In!

Well, here it is, January 15th - the Christmas decorations are down, the living room has been rearranged again (only this time to accomodate the Wii the kids got for Christmas)and we are getting back into old routines. I dislike this time of year when the snow has melted from the January thaw and everything looks brown and dead. I wish we could have a nice snowfall on a day when I don't have to drive to work to make everything look clean again.

Election season is well upon us. Marty and I are supporting John Edwards although I do not know if he will get far with the power of Hillary and Barack. I supposed once Super Tuesday (Feb. 5 primary day) is over we will shift our support to Barack. Everytime I write or say his name this image of a parrot comes to mind squawking "Baarracckkk!". Sorry, I diverted there for a moment. For Christmas Marty gave me the Countdown to the end of Bush calendar. Only 371 days left of his farce of a presidency.

I am still quilting the second Christmas quilt. This quilt is going to my boss. I did wrap it up as is and gave it to him and then took it back. I haven't done much on it, I admit. I just needed a break. I did make 11 dresses for church - they are working with the Dress Our Children program who makes dresses and shorts sets for children in Africa. I do need to finish the Christmas quilt so I can get to Amanda's Tulips - that remains my first and second priority.

I am taking two quilt classes this winter - one is Basic Machine Quilting being offered by Calico Gals, a local quilt shop in Fayetteville, NY. I have been doing all my quilting my hand because I don't know how to get all this fabric into the machine. So once I take this class, I may try to machine quilt John's quilt. The second class I am taking is in March and it is the Four Stack Posie pattern. It is from the Stack N Whack folks but you take fabric, cut it and make kalediscope looking blocks. I bought the pattern and fabric in October when Robbyn and I went Quilt Shop Hopping. It looked so easy. Then when I got home, I could not make heads or nails of the thing!

I guess that is all for now. One of my resolutions this year is to learn how to post pictures here. Maybe I will work on this over the weekend!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Weird Season!

I love Christmas!! But this year I have been experiencing feelings that I have not felt before at this time of year. It is not really a stressed out feeling, or a feeling of being overwhelmed...it is more of a blah feeling. The trees are up, the shopping (execept for groceries) are done, and everything is in place. It just doesn't feel the same. Marty says it is because I have knocked myself out at work and have too many irons in the fire. I just don't know......

But anyway....Christmas is here. I can't wait for my week off from work next week. I have Monday and Tuesday off and then I am using vacation time for Wednesday through Friday. Then I go back on Monday, 12/31 and I have Tuesday off! Talk about confusing a routine! But I need the time to just lay back and sleep!

I am hoping to get some sewing done during this week. The one Christmas quilt did not get done. I have wrapped it as is and will tell the recipient I want it back to finish. I am sure there will be no argument! I just feel bad I didn't get it done - I just plain ran out of time.

Take care everyone and have a fantastic holiday. I will try to blog after Christmas (or maybe even before if I get real ambitous!).

Happy holidays,